Jul 12, 2022
Covid and the lockdown did very little in the way of shutting down technology. In fact, it did quite the opposite. The pace at which professionals have come to use technology was forcibly accelerated – unless you work in real estate or lending. Two years have gone by and there has been virtually no progress in...
May 20, 2022
Most of us would be surprised to learn how many people around us are dealing with mental health issues. May is mental health awareness month and even if you are not fighting a mental illness yourself, it’s a good time to learn about the people around us who are. Joining Joe Cucchiara to discuss the importance of...
May 18, 2022
We’re back! The world may seem like it’s getting back to normal, but the real estate market is still changing rapidly. In about a month, interest rates jumped from 3% to 6% and ending the years of all-time low interest rates. Living in Silicon Valley, it’s hard to believe that anything could touch our real estate...