Nov 27, 2019
Most people are aware that the next big move for retired baby boomers will be to sell their homes and downsize. Predictions claim that the market, which has been incredibly parched in the past, will soon be flooded with homes over the next 20 years. If these predictions hold true, how do we prepare for the shakeup the...
Nov 27, 2019
Cell phones, tablets, wearables and the like have brought the internet of things to our very fingertips in a most convenient manner. Today we are so wired into the internet of things that entrepreneurs soon need to figure out how their company filters into the IoT and then sticks to consumers’ regular habits....
Nov 21, 2019
Life is becoming more automated and part of counseling growing companies means Jack frequently helps entrepreneurs fit their product or service into the seamless mesh of life. The way life is lived today is more connected with many people needing the ability to communicate at any time and any place. Fitting into a...
Nov 21, 2019
The world of real estate is changing every day and the way we do transactions is changing for the better. Sumant Sridharan, COO at HomeLight, calls in to tell Joe what big changes consumers can expect as well as the change in role for future agents. Topics include:
Nov 15, 2019
Now, now, now! People want a seamless, smartphone life where everything happens without voice interaction, hurdles or effort –and who can blame them! The best part of innovation is being able to do what you need to do with more speed and efficiency. To prove how big of an impact technology can have on physical...