Mar 25, 2020
In the midst of a pandemic, it’s important that we help each other out. While some of us get to work from home and binge watch our favorite shows, many people in our community have been laid off or furloughed with an indeterminate ending. Now is the time to get granular about how we can help our neighbors who...
Feb 14, 2019
The holiday season has finally passed and it’s time we all got back to business. Whether you’re thinking about moving once school is over or thinking it’s time to make that first home purchase, pricing is the biggest factor facing consumers. Home offers are picking up and while we don’t know if we will enter...
Jan 31, 2019
Conventional wisdom would leave most consumers to believe financing is super conservative right now. To a certain extent most consumers would be correct, but a lot of people would be surprised at what non-QM financing will get you these days. Non-QM financing has really come to the forefront and you might be surprised...
Dec 11, 2018
From time to time now you’ve heard Joe say the phrase “leverage instead of liquidate”. He’s not trying to be repetitive; it’s just something that he is a big believer in! In today’s market leveraging instead of liquidating is the best strategy (if possible) for most. How so? Listen in as Joe plays out several...
Mar 22, 2018
There is so much noise out there in the market that it can be difficult to find information with value. Too often we seem to hear how tough the market is with no real solution being offered. So how do we arm ourselves with the tools to solve these problems? Today Joe offers solutions to help consumers stretch their...