Jul 18, 2017
A lot of times you may see a problem around your house and think “It doesn’t look that bad. This can wait a bit.” The truth is damage can hide around your home and you might even have to open a wall to find out what is really going on. Today Mike is joined by Tim “the termite guy” Denner from Taps Termites to...
Feb 14, 2017
Is your energy IQ where it needs to be? Cindy Carey from Starburst Construction calls in for a Q&A with Mike on energy upgrades. Weather-stripping doors and caulking winding may seem like obvious fixes, but you may be surprised to find out they are not great offenders you’d think them to be. This is not a show...
Jan 27, 2017
Home repairs are always critical ultimately it’s taking care of your biggest investment and after all this rain some serious problem may arise. Listen in as Joe, Bobbi and Buddy discuss proper maintenance to protect your home from mold and other nastiness before it’s too late. Specific topics include:
Oct 31, 2016
Mike D’Ambrosio and Laura Pesavento are joined in studio by Tim Denner from Taps Termite. Through the first half of today’s show, Laura and Tim will recount Laura’s personal encounter with termites and the measures Tim took to resolve her issues. What preparations are needed and how long before you can safely...
May 31, 2016
Today Joe Cucchiara is joined by David Snavely, Owner and Inspector of Wall 2 Wall Property Inspections. First off Joe will have David walk us through a general home inspection, explaining which areas they check and what they look for. David then covers several inspection topics including: